Monday, April 11, 2011

Greg Hall Poster Boy for Goose Island

After my last Goose story I was prepared to steer away from Goose Island.  Personally, I feel the topic is getting somewhat old, but the Hall's seem to have a miraculous ability to keep generating stories for this blog.  The Chicago Tribune is reporting that Greg Hall, exiting Brewmaster of Goose Island, son of the founder, and future brewing consultant to Anheuser - Busch (AB) mistook a pint glass for a urinal while standing in a bar.

The Tribune is reporting that Hall relieved himself in two pint glasses in the bar area of Bangers and Lace and then left the premises.  Hall has allegedly admitted he acted inappropriately, but can not recall the entire evening as he was too inebriated.  Hall did apologize.

I will be looking into the story more tomorrow as it is almost 9 pm here. I plan contact media relations at Goose Island, AB and Bangers and Lace.  I would also like to know if this brazen public urination has been reported to Chicago Police Department, or does Bangers and Lace let people have a complete disregard for decorum and the law?  Not only is Goose Island off my list of bars to hang out at, Bangers and Lace is looking that way to....

Check back for more updates or follow me on Twitter @verysmallbeer
Update: As I expected getting no comments across the board.


  1. You're a tool. And why are my only "reaction choices" funny, interesting or cool? Why not "you're a tool"?

  2. Anonymous: The choices are the default by the Blogger platform. You obviously found a way to get your message across. I might be a tool, but
    I never filled a glass with my urine.

  3. Another reason to drink something other than Goose. Thanks.

  4. Kudos for allowing uncensored comments from the likes of the a-hole who called you a tool. Good luck with your blog!

  5. I think people made WAY too big a stink about this whole urination thing.

    Then again I won't be buying Goose Island's beers ever again (after the news of the buyout) so I felt / feel uninvolved from the start.

  6. I can understand your comment about not drinking at Goose, but why are you blaming Bangers & Lace? I personally am planning on going there because I've heard nothing by good things about them.
