Tasting beer isn't always about tasting the tastiest beer. It is also about knowing where beer has been and going. Anheuser-Busch (AB) is the epitome of quality control. I have heard they do daily comparisons not just between batches, but also between breweries around the world. A Big Mac in London matches a Big Mac in Des Moines and same with Budweiser. I respect their consistency although I may not be a fan of the taste. I appreciate a beer with more depth and complexity than AB products normally provide. I would say remember AB hires some of the best brewers in the world, although their talents are handcuffed in the name of mass market appeal.
Tasting Notes:
Poured from a 24oz can into a pilsner glass. I had to really sniff to get a whiff of the beechwood. True to form it was crisp and light and well utterly tasteless. I will admit AB makes a few good beers, but this just isn't that great.